Monday 14 January 2013

Things I like about 2012

Okei okei, better late than never okay ! Wanted to blog about Christmas but its too late, wanted to blog about new year eve and its too late too, lolol. So... I'm doing a summary for year 2012. For me, my year was awezuuuuum ! I traveled, graduated, partied and so on, people say things always turns better and better. I believe this year will be even better for me ? hahaha finger crossed.

Class trips !
Melaka trip on Feb ~

Pangkor graduation trip on Dec~


Met ma love <3

Went to Topshop Fashion Show w/ le brother and cousins !


 Worked hard for S.O.X Drum Battle, and got into finalist, and ... i missed the final *guilt*

(okay i remember we jumped and screamed like hell until we tear because we got the highest mark ='D)

Met new friends from TNYB, and had concert with them. And of course, we held our own concert too !


I missed the S.O.X Drum Battle final because I went UK and France. 
I know i damn sui lui bao i know ....
but i got no choice also ma hor hahahaha

Watched musical (Phantom Of the Opera) w/ le wifey and family. 
We met up at Oxford and went London tgt :D 

ok idk why this, prolly super excited lolol

heh, also went for city tour tgt ~

And then went to Versailles, France.

Reims, France. Most of the champagne are made here !

(taken with LC-A)

 Paris, France ! *see the crowd*

and the Eiffel Tower. 

 Me and siblings went up on top of Eiffel Tower too hehhh, by staircase okay *proud*

And got to dinner with wifey again at Hard Rock Paris, hang fok me iz hang fok 


I make up-ed for her ! :D (for halloween)
i felt proud because it was my first time helped others make up lah hahaha


I graduated, turning into a college student soon. 
I started to miss my classmates, but nemai, college will be good too !

I held an awesome class party too *whee*
80% of my classmate came okay, which was very hard to make it hahahha


 Celebrated my birthday for 10 times, so so so blessed hahaha

went Bangkok with ma girls


got my craaazy pink hair ! :D i mega like it okay, those who jelly and say its ugly stfu pls. 
should i like hashtag YOLO ? HAHAHA


We got upgraded to the pool side room, it was just plain awesome. 
My bro woke me up by bursting Don't Stop The Party, and i can straight jump into the pool from my balcony. I think I should go there again with my friends hahaha


Its pretty much like that, 
and last but not least. 
2013, please be good ! 


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