Tuesday 22 January 2013

And here it comes (Antipodean)

Every weekday got class and its like 8/10am - 4/5/7pm.
Wish me luck har thank you so much lolol ~
So before this crazy intake starts i will have to enjoy myself kaokao first.

*its a food post again*

Antipodean @ Bangsar Jln Telawi.
I think they serve mainly on breakfast gua

And the menu was written on the wall, I suggest to sit further from the wall so you can read the menu properly haha.

There's a room for kids too, how cute :D

 the Big Breakfast. 
Seriously too big for most of us i think. I only manage to finish 50% of the portion and the rest i have to tapao lol ~

 This iz nice :D 
I forgot what is this d, bla bla bla dates i guess hahahha sorrehhh

Cup of Cappuccino anyone ? haha 

Another suggestion here, get a bigger table. HAHAHAH LOL.

Okay, i think the food was so so only, and i think i should try other dishes next time.
So i can't actually rate for the restaurant. 
But for the food that I ORDERED.
5/10 for Big Breakfast
7/10 for the dates cake

And yea i can't rate for the coffee too, cause im not rly into coffee idk how to rate HAHAHAHA.
Not sure whether i will visit next time or nt, will do but perhaps with aunty annie? =D

ciaoz ~

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