Tuesday 15 January 2013

Nobody said it was easy

 I heard a lot of my friends are discussing about courses, intakes, prices and etc.
And until one day one of my close friend told me that his father actually said people will prolly not work as what they studied. People will end up to be business man or smtg. That wasn't untrue, but if 10 out of 10 think like that then gone d la right lolol hahahaha.

I think i want to "advice" a lil bit, *lol see act pro d*, "You like or not" always comes first, but not "You earn or not". 
Cause i seriously beh tahan people tell me,
 "oh im going to study blablabla because i will make a lot money next time
"lol you sure you want to study that one mah ? very exp leh somemore CANNOT make money next time, not say cannot la, very hard leh"  

Work as what also got money one okay, that depends on how much work you put on it. 
Nobody will assure you will make that amount of money if you study the certain course, tsk. 

I'm that kind of "dreamy" people who always think that nothing is impossible, just that... you want it or not. 
So, dont forget to believe in your dream. 

Cupcakes anyone ? :D
(picture from tumblr)

adios ~

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