Thursday 27 December 2012

Birthday #2

mushi mushi!
Let's continue to talk about my birthday celebration LOL
ok la i know its already 27/12 but i dont care.

Grand Hyatt THIRTY8 w/ my wifey.

 Dessert wine for both of us :D

Ordered the sushi platter for sharing. yum yum!

 It was king prawn if not mistaken hahaha

 THIRTY8 never fail to make people go "haaaa~~~ nais ~" for their desert!
haaaa ~~~ nais ~ LOL

 and again, never get boring of this signature cake

And this lady paid for our meal. 3Q babe ~ 
I spend you holiao again next year ah hahaha

My cousins (terawesome and tften) brought me to Acme Bar Coffee and treat me a meal too :D
Thanks cousins!

Annnddd the bday surprise from the gang !
(shereen, joyce, jason, cbb, yeust, debbie)
Kamsahamida ! (i cincai spell one lol)

And this was the last surprise i got!
It was from my yang meh meh, mermer khor and nah nah hahahaha
i feel so loved hahaha
They surprised me for the second time !

I think I'd celebrated my birthday for around 10 times.
Seriously, i love you guys so much! So many surprises, bday meals, presents, wishes i cant finsih thanking you all!
Still wondering should I blog about my birthday present or not hahahaha.
We'll see

Bye !

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