Wednesday 19 December 2012

Birthday #1

First surprise i got was from my classmate, while we having our graduation trip. 
I seriously didn't expect they will celebrate for me. hahahaha, so sweet of them. 
I was like "... awkward moment" but in the same time very happy hahaha

 And the second surprise was from them, right after i came back from my graduation trip.
 They actually asked my sis and lil bro bekerjasama with them to decorate my room while I having my birthday dinner with them !
I actually expected this, cause we also did almost the same thing to each other for birthday hahaha.
Thanks babes~

And very kind dajie and pinkie pig too, aligato ~

The next day ...

Had "bday hi-tea" with my auntie annie and pinkie pig. 
TWG again and again. lolol
This beef lasagna iz nais ~

Club Sandwich for sharing teehee!

Brithday Cake from TWG.
Auntie Annie bought me a MBMJ bag as bday presie :D
And if you spot the Chanel lip balm, that's my bday presie from auntie annie as well.

Had birthday dinner with le family @ Rakuzen, our all time favourite hehe

My lks joined too !

Hi dino :D <3 

Auntie annie and totoro ~ 

And the next surprise from my wifey.
I guess she always doesn't like to let me know she came back LOL.

She brought Laduree too, blessed me iz blessed.

My very pretty + yummy bday cake.



XEONSPYKID (hahahahaa)

aiyok, idk why i forgot to take photos together with auntie annie and pinkie pig, sorrehh.
More about my bday coming soon. You know, people around me are just too sweet and i couldn't write about it all together in one entry, it will be like toilet roll long. LOL, lc me is lc.


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