Thursday 13 December 2012

Acme Bar Coffee @ Troika

idk why i just cant rmb its acMe bar coffee, and i keep telling people its acNe bar coffee.
tsk my brain, makes this awesome overload place sounds so disgusting LOL

So you may read yourself, its Acme Bar & Coffee hahahaha

Another photographer wannabe shot.

They serve breakfast till 5pm :D good thing

Companion of the day, xeonspykid hahahaha (idk why i feel like laughing every time when i type his "nickname")

First up ! Light-As-Air-Pavlova ! 
With forest berries and passion fruit sauce.
Not that light-as-air, but very yummy :D

then, my bro ordered a cappuccino. I guess they thought me and my bro were couple or smtg so they drew the huggies teddy bear with LOVE wording, lol. bro destroyed it immediately after taking pictures.

Fruit and Ice Granita for me. 
Idk why it has a bit of milky texture of smtg but its nais ! 
fyi, its not a milkshake okay im nt that stupid.

My choice, very asia-ish Sambal Hebi Aglio Olio Spaghetti. 
With dry shrimp spicy sambal, fresh prawns and a dash of olive oil.
It taste a lil too spicy for me so in the end I gave it to my bro, and i ate his food. heh

Very well cooked Just Mac & Cheese.
Baked-in-pan macaroni with mornay sauce & a browned cheese layer.
The browned cheese layer taste like heaven.
I mean, taste incredibly good la lol. 

Super cute restroom! 

Christmas is around the corner hehehehehe

Definitely will visit again !

adios !

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