Thursday 29 November 2012


Hello peepoo ! Blue sky  white cloud (lan tian bai yun) cheer me up alot. 
fyi i just done with my seni paper two and now left mandarin and econs then im out of this shit. 
damn envy those science stream student specially those who dont take mandarin. yeah, in short i envy cause they are done with spm. hng.
Back to the topic. Last Sunday i went to Grand Hyatt Thirty8 restaurant and louge with auntie annie, xeonspykid and pinkie pig. 
ok la to be honest i no so high end la, i wouldn't know this place is Bella Kuan didn't blogged about it.

ootd: Juicy.C knitted cardigan, zara basic spaghetti, uniqlo basic shorts,
S.Ferragamo jelly sandals, P bag 
Lady like day ~ Photo taken in the toooilet haha

As you may see the KLCC reflection over there. you can see the whole kl from here i think. 

 le Twin Tower ! see the bridge of the twin tower is same as my eye level d. kul ~

loving the high ceiling seriously, even the lift to 38th floor is high ceiling too. 
it makes me felt so easeful 

while waiting for the food to serve ~

 first up ! Cheese platter. This was the first time i tried blue cheese (right hand side with green "spots") and surprisingly i like it. 

Served with walnut bread. emmm emm ~
We was about to have some mains there but the afternoon kitchen close at 2.30pm and reopen for dinner at 6pm. Too bad~

 ding ding, next !
The THIRTY3 signature cake served with banana ice cream.
Wah i tell you, this is heavenly good. I rate 10/10. for this.
They actually take away the dry ice right after i snap this photo hahaha

 Then they poured the caramel right on top of the cake as you can see.
And idk why the caramel magically goes into the cake but not flowing outside of the cake. 
i wonder why

 *You may now enjoy your dessert whee ~ *
Then suddenly i remember the photo Bella Kuan posted doesn't looks the same as this.

pour more, hahahaha okay now, tadaaa ~ 
om nom nom nom nom nom 
too damn good.

 While you still woaaaaah-ing about the signature cake, here's the next one 
Straight from the Oven Chocolate cake, served with raspberry sorbet.
probably the yummiest chocolate lava i ever had. Really.

*poke poke*

pinkie pig ordered Mango pudding serve with mango sherbet and almond tuile.
looks normal but surprisingly good :O !

now you guys probably think, wahh sure very exp de la bla bla. 
But its actually nothing over 25 (for the dessert)
you see, good environment, good view, friendly service, extremely good food. 
I rate 10/10 hahahaha 
ok la 5 stars hotel leh how can no 10/10
Whenever you dont know which way to go, there's always a worker beside ready to assist you. 
*clap clap*

selca-ed in the very cold toilet hahaha
bad eyelid day :3

Must have my bday dinner with my wifey at THIRTH8, since she say she spend me ma muahaha 

Adios !

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