Monday 5 August 2013

幸福小孩 Chapter 2 { Venice }

Ohaiyo ! I changed my blog template cause I guess galaxy themed is a bit outdated ? 
Hahaha, anyway I'm here to continue Chapter 2 of my Europe trip.
Pronto ?

YES, Venice is hotter than Malaysia., A LOT hotter.
I don't really understand why Venice is surrounded by water but still very hot. I think because they don't have tall buildings ? Oh ya they don't have tree :/
We met our lecturer - Manuela, and her boyfriend there ! Seriously I think Venice wouldn't be that awesome if they didn't accompany us. They came and pick us up from the boat station and lead us around Venice. I don't know what's her boyfriend's name but what I remember was one day Manuela told us that she call her boyfriend as Potato. We remember until that day we met him, then we was like whispering "oh that's Potatooo !!!" LOL Anyway ! Manuela and Potato made a very sweet and matching couple, they're both very kind and cute :D

Experience before we met Manuela and Potato up.
My best recommendation, if you can find any watertaxi at the airport, take it. We took the public boat, it took like... i don't know how long, 1.30hour or 2? And it's SUMMER , super hot. We are all sweating, tired, and kinda a bit dizzy cause the boat was super wavy, lol wavy... Is the word correct ? The day before we fly to Venice, we was running across the road at Paris, run here run there. Watching the beautiful night scenery before we leave. And yes it was a beautiful night but i think its not a good idea, cause the next morning we are leaving by 7.30am. Wasn't really happy until we meet them up  hahahaha. 

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cut the crap! Let me continue show you guys some nice pic haha.

There is no car in Venice, okay, I think even bicycle is not very convenient there. Your leg is the best vehicle after all. We walk around 1km+ everyday to the square at Venice. Not sure whether we are all used to walk that much at Paris or the place is so beautiful and made us willing to walk hahaha. Bridges and stairs all around Venice by the way ~

I bought one for myself too ! A smaller simpler one, my luggage exploding heh.

After Paris, Venice, Switzerland, London. I think I like Venice the most. It has the magical atmosphere and I think this is what makes Venice so romantic. I die die also want go with mr lim one day hahaha. Make sure I stay for one whole week with him :D

Group picture with our pretty Manuela !

The view from the bridge.

Another thing I have to mention about Venice. They have all sorts of special fruits. Picture above is a blackberry !  They have one thing called doughnut peach, its way nicer than a normal round peach. I didn't take picture of it, but just imagine a doughnut, and turn it into a peach ! lolol~

If you read my last post, I mentioned that Venice has one SUPERB nice gelato!
GELATOOOO *minions running*
Now let me introduce ..... *drum rolls*


Pistachio REALLY taste like pistachio, melon REALLY taste like melon. I know it sounds like bullshit. But I never tasted a pistachio flavored gelato really taste like pistachio. Melon either. HIGHLY recommended. Other than these two flavor, the rest are good too !

We went there the next day by our own. Yes by our own we don't have navigator but we just can't resist the yumminess ~~

Dinner of the night! All iz yummeh food really. But the waiter wasn't really friendly :/ 
Try not to take picture in the restaurant, they will get offended idk why ...

The little burgers are nice ! Really nice, i mean it. I not sure what is it called, Manuela and Potato treated us these :S

The second day is all about shopping, I think. For me is a very satisfying day cause I bought the Pandora ring that I lost in the beginning of the year. Fyi, the ring was from my wifey lynn originally. Sentimental value max, that's why I bought the same thing back even though i lost it. hahaha

Prooooooceed to the dinner !

All homecooked by Manuela and Potato !
They made clam aglio olios, tomato salsa and toasted bread with garlic by side~ 
It was really yummy too ~~~ So blessed.
Oh ya ! The next day is the important festival in Venice, so we went out and watch the 30mins fireworks.

So beautifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul. 

This izz very nice !!! Why malaysia tak ade eh ??! It's frappuccino nehh

We took watertaxi to the airport. Absolutely the right choice, it take about 30 to 45 mins. The price was very reasonable for a private boat too. We all shiok sendiri kept selca in the boat. Hahahaha, another superb experience I guess?

One jump tooooooooooooooooooooooo Switzerland !

Stay tune for next post :D!
Arrivederci !

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