Friday 2 August 2013

Blessed little kid , Chapter 1 { Paris }

Ei, you go Paris study ? , You go there how long ? , So long my friend , Take cares ! , Can i go airport with you? .
Hahahahha, thanks guy. But I'm not leaving to study anytime soon, at least two years later okay.
This time, I went with my classmates to see my college at Paris. 
To be honest, I only went twice to Esmod Paris, nothing much, take pictures, look around. Woos and waas.
And the rest ? Thousands of musuems and millions of galleries hahaha. Okay it was quite fun too, gave me alot of inspiration. Guess it will be very helpful for me during next semester.
Yes ! The picture above is the place I might be studying two years later. Might. 

This beautiful room is the main room of Esmod Paris, well someday I will present my work here , perhaps?
I can say that Paris is full with culture and art is everywhere, art people should really pay a visit.

There's only two reason why i like Esmod Paris more than Kuala Lumpur.
1. Cantik-nya interior design dia
2. They have free flow of sample fabric ! How awesome is that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's it, other than that i still like KL more, big space not sempit at all :D

I wonder who made these, smoked alot heh?

I went there right after we touched down at Paris. As the hen of the gang, I went to information counter ask for the details about how to get to our hotel. Well, the smart lady told me to take the Roissy Bus will bring me to my hotel's area. And i searched the map, it tells me its true, maybe just 5 mins of walk. So i agree with the suggestion and went to buy tickets and get in the bus. And the coming experience was crazy.
All of us dragged our hyper heavy luggage walked around searching for our hotel. And I used my very basic french tried to ask the way to our hotel. We spent HELLA time walking around. (my friend kena rob by 2 middle east women, lucky enough, my friend shouted real loud and the women let go. They were well trained, they're able to slide out the iphone even though its with silicone case and its tuck into skinny jeans' pocket, they still slide it out without any hinder. Those women turned around and spitted at us as in like we're the bad people. wtf ikr)  And finally we fed up and took taxi from Lafayette straight to our hotel. "WHY not just take taxi in the beginning?!" No taxi ever wanted to fetch us because they said its very near ! And in the end the other driver charge us extra (after that only realize) to take us straight to the hotel! And you know what, from the bus station to the hotel. We have to walk... roughly 45mins (fastest speed) to reach there with our luggage and without getting lost. Haihhhhh malangnya.

Just right beside of Esmod Paris, there's a lil gallery. Art students always sit here for a whole day and try to find their inspiration. Good place, good place.

First glory lunch at Paris.

Ekerm, xxx church around my hotel. Tell me if you know what church is this hahaha.

Here you can see people lying freely on the grass, cuddling. Old couples sitting on the bench, telling their old stories. Another beautiful scenery of Paris, or i should say Europe? 


Its true that Paris isn't clean, Paris is full with pick pockets ( I experience at least 4 times during the trip),
everywhere you can smell urine, you can see rubbish. But well, when you enlarge the beautiful parts and minimize the others, it can still be beautiful.

Aiskrim at overseas are awezummmmmm, i swear.
the first awezummmmm aiskrim i had is this ! 
(there's one at Venice and another one at switzerland are aweeezumm too !)

Looks good, taste good. But I think Venice and Switzerland are better. Show u guys later hahaha.

These are the best i ever had. I swear, THE BEST. Should really try this if you are going to Paris someday, 
near Saint Paul station *wink* BEST AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random street at Saint Paul, its the 3rd District. I don't think tourist will come here la ahhaha, but it was a nice place though.

If you want to call this ootd. hahahaha

 Went to Louvre again, and same thing happened. Didn't manage to look at all of the paintings. Its impossible. Yea i went to visit Mona Lisa again, she is still the superstar of Louvre. People die die also want take a picture of her hahhaha.
Bought a sandwich and drink and sat down on the grass like how all people does. Watching the eiffel tower and some naked women and men. Macam yes hahahahaha

If the postman understands my handwriting, the postcard is with you ald i guess hahaha.

RANDOM ~~~~ lol after we all saw this hahaha, so cute.

 I guess we love the grass? hahahaha
Can "kiao ka" under the Eiffel Tower at such young age like once a year. I'm one blessed lil kid. :D

Quite long enough to do lil bun (ngeh ngeh)

The last dinner ! Before leaving to Venice. The authentic French Cuisine, yummiest food i had at Paris. Good ending huh?

 No google image ah, Leica iz prozz hahaha

My college buddies, they are awesome !

Mami said it looks like postcard :D 
If one day you are going to Paris. Please sit down there further a bit from the eiffel. And wait for 11pm, the whole Eiffel Tower will sparkles for 5 whole minutes. Just that 5 minutes, you know what is happy till tear that time. Really, it was real amazing.  A must to experience at Paris. Must.

BEARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY long post. Please stay tune for Chapter 2 ! (Venice) ! 
Ciaoz babes !


  1. Finally your blog is not kaokei update already! Awesome post with awesome pictures and useful traveling information. Keep it up mek! :D

    1. Hehhh ~~ I agree with you :P but i not sure about useful travelling infos thou hahahahaha

  2. i wan calamari pasta!! burgers!!! and....everythingggg~~~T.T still deadly jeally
