Wednesday 24 October 2012

Moving forward.

 Last Saturday was my graduation day. 
ekerm, i want to thank allllll my lovely classmates and bestie here because they are those who accompany throughout my senior year. I just simply love them sooooo much, until i dont know how to describe okay. 
They are just way too awesome, (you know who you are lah if you are reading this.)

It is time for us to move forward, SPM is just 11 days away. 
We are all going to different college. But i know we are not going to separate so easily right ? 

maiii beloved rice ball ! didn't manage to take photo with tan ee ching because she was busying blocking teacher's car in front of school gate *lol*
Thank god we are graduated, no longer ur referee ah !
loljk blek

taaadaaahhh ! My beloved 5A5 !! 
They are just way too .... i dont know how to describe (i mean in a good way okay)

with le xiao tong tong ! I think she is the only teacher that i will remember after all lol.
She is just way too .. caring? LOL 

The next day we actually had a bbq party at Jaysen's place.

*vrrooom vroooom* i was just trying to type the sound effect of the fire

and with our boss of the night, Jaysen !

i cant believe she actually dont know how to eat a chicken wing.
AND, i have to tear the meat and serve her. *cock stare + face palm*
Ever since that she started to call me mama. lol you yang chiu ling.

And, they are those who make my life became so awesome. 

Honestly, i cry so damn hard that day (graduation day lah i mean)
i cant believe i graduated, like so fast.
I just couldn't let go all my friends. 
NAHHHH, say only. we still meeting everyday wad ? hahahahahahahaha 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, okay okay enough enough.
But anyway, i am so glad that i stayed in A5, the greatest choice i ever made.
yes, im so sure.

"Things happens for a reason.
its non of ur business, stop bothering us then. 
Let us live happily ever after. "

muah muah muah, to all my readers !


  1. Aww I couldn't ask others the question(you guess how old is her?) because you actually gonna grew older liao =P

  2. I was happy to share in your joy and tears that day. Absolutely so damn proud of you and our friends! :D
