Monday 15 October 2012


hello hello, thanks for reading my blog. 
i found out that my blog's stat is increasing, quite a lot. ekerm, for me la, cause i expect like 10, 20 people read only. Anyway ! Keep reading ~ keep keep reading ~ *old school Bleeding Love lol*

Back to the topic! 
To be honest, i really don't know who is JW Anderson, and i have no idea what he does.
I admit, i know him because he collaborate with Topshop, and im a so call Topshop fans, so yea.
I purposely went to Midvalley Topshop to check out his collection, hehe i know these collections only available in Midvalley and KLCC's Topshop. Why? Because Jane Chuck told me, thru her blog. 
Hahahahahah, damn perasan. But ya lah she blogged about this that's why i know.

Hrm, they don't have many pieces in their shop i guess.
Only few designs are available :/ , but i'm not sure about KLCC lah.
I chose a zebra tee, which i think quite yeng *shy*
haiyoh ! that's why i buy mah 

See see, very lansi one got special paper bag, hahaha jkjk

I can't control my self and bought another also-very-yeng tank hahaha
It comes with a free recycle bag, if you purchase JW Anderson collection. 
*doggie not inclusive har*

Better view if you really wants to know what i bought. (yeng right yeng right?)

*The rest are not about JW Anderson, which is what i wrote on the title, etc,etc*

then then, auntie annie, dajie and me went to Plan B
ya lah i know outdated, it's my first time okay *stares*
OH ! I rate first, like people care what i rate lol
*drum rollsssss* 7.5/10 !
Not bad lah not bad, serve good food, service not bad. But Midvalley's environment not too good.
Not sure about others, told ya, first timer.

My choice ! Turkey ham with cheese toastie (something like that not too sure)
Eh beary nice leh, but you see the cup of salad, me no likey =/
And a lil heavy for me.

Auntie annie's choice! (Chicken pie, this is what she told me lah, not too sure also, fyi she captured this pic by herself, how cute <3)

another buy of the day, LIP SMACKER *piak* *ouch* 
LOL, that's what i thought of at first i saw this.
It really taste like coke, three of them are the same thing.
With brush, roller, stick. Like that lor. 
..... wonder how it feels if one day i get really thirsty and i got no water inside my bag and i saw these lip balms... the rest you imagine yourself  la hahaha 

Oh oh ! guess what, i got 50% off ngeh ngeh ngeh
Now i felt so good to be a kwanghuarian LOL JK.
anyway, thanks dude !

If i'm not that kind of 
eat -> fat
eat -> fat
eat-> fat 
person, i think i would like to eat this very often. yums.
No rating for this, i dont know how to rate. *blek*

Last but not least, 
*you must be very happy now*

yawns, bye ! 

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