Saturday 27 October 2012

Life's essential

auntie annie bought me new Melissa from Singapore wheee ~ 
she got herself a pair of black coloured as well, mother daughter shoe neh.

 see who's the happy girl, see who got her studded shoes~ LOL am i considered show offing here ?
Have been looking for studded shoe for quite some time, after all still think topshop have the best studded flats after all.

shooo lazy to move my ass out of my house for a cup of good tea. i don't actually know how much this cost, cause.... its free ! buahahaha. Recently kinda addicted to tea idk why. Go starbucks order teas as well, OH! maybe because i can refill hot water so that i can sit in starbucks for whole day. 10bucks for a venti freshly brewed tea, not bad mahh ~ still better than you spend 16bucks for a green tea frap, WHICH they just give you few scoops of green tea powder blend with milks and ice. hmmmm, i will still order frap lah although i crap a lot here. You can also say i pay 10bucks for 2 teabags mah.. 
eh? wait, why i scold back myself lol.

 yeng leh yeng leh. im so into skulls now.
tees must printed with skulls, shirt have to buttoned with skulls, phone cover also have to include skull lol.
its the trend okay ~ love this so much it has floral and skull two in one. nt bad leh ~ hahahaa
complimenting myself
aaaaaaaaaaaand, ekerm i still shop a lot although there's just freaking 9 days away to spm.
*pffffffffffffffffffffft me* okay la may slap me now, BUT i did study okay. 
you see you see, im not aiming for straight As neither 8 or 9 also, 
ALSO not hoping for any scholarship ... as in i know i put how much effort also cant get de lah.
what i want is just hrm.. pass all my papers, get more than five credits and hopefully score 3 subjects that's it.
i have no idea why i have to study science, bm, seni or etc etc etc for so hard, when i know i wouldn't use any of those knowledge for future.. lol i know i sound terrible lah but true also right ! 
*try to support my point of view*
OH YA, some of you might say if i study fashion design in college later so i need to score for seni.
buuuuuuuuuut, i langsung dont know what i have learnt after i studied seni for 5 years.
art teacher always come into my class, sit down and as us to do our own work
rushing art projects which i never know i do for what.
in short, i learnt ntg. heh


my beloved dino joined my family last friday.
i.. am.. so... HAPPEH hahahahahahahahaha
he was so damn cute, he gave me that awkward face expression when he first sat down in dad's car.
we actually went to my aunt's house together, then shop a while in pav and continued our session in 
Lot 10's food court (shi hao hu tong) and shopped at zara and h&m before dinner.
shopping was like as normal as breathing for me, BUT when it comes with shopping with dino, things just became so different, he will try for very long, keep telling me he chose very nice shirt blah blah blah, 
*turn one round praise himself only lah*
leng zai leh hahahaha

my ootd ! jw anderson x topshop tee, topshop high waisted, P bag, and i wore birkenstock that day haha.

selca of the day !

good food, good design. environment got a bit too pekchek. aiyah idk how to explain lah.
but anyway, their macaroons are damn awesome. 
after trying sooooo many kinds and sorts of macaroons, i can tell these macaroons taste the best in msia
 (for me)
i rate 8/10 heh, cause 10/10 would be france's piere herme and laduree. 
at first i taught hummingbird's macaroon were the best, UNTIL this came into my life ~ hahahah lol me
it taste similar to laduree thou.
other than macaroons, they are actually tea specialist lah haha, got hundreds of tea for you to choose whee~
AND ! you see the left pic, the lil box is the twg choc, beary nais also. ekerm, beary pricey too.
the best thing is, all their desserts are make with tea ~ i mean, contains tea? er.. with scent of tea? cincai lah.

 lots and lots of selca with the heavenly good desserts.


and actually i just came back from "study", I DID STUDY, but end up with these.
ana i jia jia only, i study daaaaaaamn hard one neh *if you believe la har*

sho long post, most of you probably scrollll scrollll then x this page d loh. 
bai !

fyi. auntie annie is my mum, dino is my bf hehe

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Moving forward.

 Last Saturday was my graduation day. 
ekerm, i want to thank allllll my lovely classmates and bestie here because they are those who accompany throughout my senior year. I just simply love them sooooo much, until i dont know how to describe okay. 
They are just way too awesome, (you know who you are lah if you are reading this.)

It is time for us to move forward, SPM is just 11 days away. 
We are all going to different college. But i know we are not going to separate so easily right ? 

maiii beloved rice ball ! didn't manage to take photo with tan ee ching because she was busying blocking teacher's car in front of school gate *lol*
Thank god we are graduated, no longer ur referee ah !
loljk blek

taaadaaahhh ! My beloved 5A5 !! 
They are just way too .... i dont know how to describe (i mean in a good way okay)

with le xiao tong tong ! I think she is the only teacher that i will remember after all lol.
She is just way too .. caring? LOL 

The next day we actually had a bbq party at Jaysen's place.

*vrrooom vroooom* i was just trying to type the sound effect of the fire

and with our boss of the night, Jaysen !

i cant believe she actually dont know how to eat a chicken wing.
AND, i have to tear the meat and serve her. *cock stare + face palm*
Ever since that she started to call me mama. lol you yang chiu ling.

And, they are those who make my life became so awesome. 

Honestly, i cry so damn hard that day (graduation day lah i mean)
i cant believe i graduated, like so fast.
I just couldn't let go all my friends. 
NAHHHH, say only. we still meeting everyday wad ? hahahahahahahaha 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, okay okay enough enough.
But anyway, i am so glad that i stayed in A5, the greatest choice i ever made.
yes, im so sure.

"Things happens for a reason.
its non of ur business, stop bothering us then. 
Let us live happily ever after. "

muah muah muah, to all my readers !

Monday 15 October 2012


hello hello, thanks for reading my blog. 
i found out that my blog's stat is increasing, quite a lot. ekerm, for me la, cause i expect like 10, 20 people read only. Anyway ! Keep reading ~ keep keep reading ~ *old school Bleeding Love lol*

Back to the topic! 
To be honest, i really don't know who is JW Anderson, and i have no idea what he does.
I admit, i know him because he collaborate with Topshop, and im a so call Topshop fans, so yea.
I purposely went to Midvalley Topshop to check out his collection, hehe i know these collections only available in Midvalley and KLCC's Topshop. Why? Because Jane Chuck told me, thru her blog. 
Hahahahahah, damn perasan. But ya lah she blogged about this that's why i know.

Hrm, they don't have many pieces in their shop i guess.
Only few designs are available :/ , but i'm not sure about KLCC lah.
I chose a zebra tee, which i think quite yeng *shy*
haiyoh ! that's why i buy mah 

See see, very lansi one got special paper bag, hahaha jkjk

I can't control my self and bought another also-very-yeng tank hahaha
It comes with a free recycle bag, if you purchase JW Anderson collection. 
*doggie not inclusive har*

Better view if you really wants to know what i bought. (yeng right yeng right?)

*The rest are not about JW Anderson, which is what i wrote on the title, etc,etc*

then then, auntie annie, dajie and me went to Plan B
ya lah i know outdated, it's my first time okay *stares*
OH ! I rate first, like people care what i rate lol
*drum rollsssss* 7.5/10 !
Not bad lah not bad, serve good food, service not bad. But Midvalley's environment not too good.
Not sure about others, told ya, first timer.

My choice ! Turkey ham with cheese toastie (something like that not too sure)
Eh beary nice leh, but you see the cup of salad, me no likey =/
And a lil heavy for me.

Auntie annie's choice! (Chicken pie, this is what she told me lah, not too sure also, fyi she captured this pic by herself, how cute <3)

another buy of the day, LIP SMACKER *piak* *ouch* 
LOL, that's what i thought of at first i saw this.
It really taste like coke, three of them are the same thing.
With brush, roller, stick. Like that lor. 
..... wonder how it feels if one day i get really thirsty and i got no water inside my bag and i saw these lip balms... the rest you imagine yourself  la hahaha 

Oh oh ! guess what, i got 50% off ngeh ngeh ngeh
Now i felt so good to be a kwanghuarian LOL JK.
anyway, thanks dude !

If i'm not that kind of 
eat -> fat
eat -> fat
eat-> fat 
person, i think i would like to eat this very often. yums.
No rating for this, i dont know how to rate. *blek*

Last but not least, 
*you must be very happy now*

yawns, bye ! 

Sunday 14 October 2012

As we all know, it is basically time wasting

*sry if you are the event organiser, i'm just being honest*

Ain't going to complain alot, but just.. to clarify why i said it was time wasting.
Grand hall, unchecked
Crowd, unchecked
Basic service, unchecked
Performance, nearly unchecked
 (they actually ask my friend to sing as a performance, i guess he deserves a paid or smtg ? but nope he didn't get neither of it. ya la i know gt dance crew, but it was like 5 mins ? and i sit damn far)
Classy prom, unchecked (it was like a night club)
Good food, unchecked too (normal catering was served yesterday night)
etc, etc.

It a was rm50 for this prom lah, cannot expect too much i know, BUT i remember i went another prom also rm50 and they gt grand hall, crowd, performance, classy prom etc etc leh !
*ultra face palm*
ANYWAY ! heres some photos

see, selca also no mood LOL JK

sexay Japanese rice ball hahahaha so kiut

xu you yi ! ok lah, mermer hahaha

the always-hangout gang <3

See the hiao OKU

ling ling aka 杨大娘 

don't say i no jio ah, i jio-ed\

Want me give a rating? 
+1 because they give iPods and iPad as their lucky draw gift
+1 because at least there's foods and drinks, and the most important one, my friends.

well, looking forward to next better prom i guess?

Monday 8 October 2012

the first post is going to be beary long

Hello hello ! I dont know what to start with my blog so i guess i just have to blog about my recent activities!
Went to the Burger Lab in Seapark PJ area, i think i will rate 7/10.
-1 because everyone have to queue and wait around 30mins, not recommended if you are rushy that day.
-1 i personally think the foods are not salty enought, hahaha just because i'm way into salty food
another -1 because the shop is too small and i hardly find a place for me to stand and wait, a lot of "excuse me" needed lol

I think what i really like about this shop is the decoration of the shop and a bunch of super friendly and cute worker. 

I think the bread is made of charcoal ? Not so sure hehe

And then ! I went to the Movida free flow oyster and beer party.
As you can see i beary happy in this photo because im a huge fan of oyster!
I don't have any photo of the oyster here but you can check out my insta if you rly want to see tons and tons of oyster serving for FREE!
Okay im not going to puji this movida event cause all 8 of us ate the oyster and 6 of us got food poisoned.
I vomited for freaking 6 times in a night and i think i learn a new trick because i can puke and laosai at the same time, amazing isn't it? LOL
But what to do, i really didn't pay a cent for the beer and oyster. So... nevermind. No free flow food for me next time.

I did really lose 2kg after food poisoned but after a meal everything came back LMAO, so don't ask me why i still this size though i kena food poison ok! 

Ekerm, next!
I went to i-City with Shereen, Joyce and my brother last week for a proposal!
Not a proposal for me okay everyone chill,
its a proposal for my friend's friend hehe.
Aww, i wish i could have this kind of stuff before i get married hahahhaha
Super romantic weih ! but the thing is very shy cause a lot people watching you and you will cry there because you are so touched then you don't know what to do when people knee down in front of you lol, doesn't mean i dont want this har!

Last Saturday, Edmund's belated Bday Celebration!
Mong poh and bday boy :D

Me with bday boy, Happy 22th!

*drum rolls* Bump into Jane Lau and her sister Ashley at iDarts Quad weee~
Both of them are shooo pretty hahaha. 
Played darts together for a lil while weee~ hahaha, okay i should stop being so excited

 Met the prettay nana! weeeeeee *again*

Another photo of the sweetest couple and my *-,-* look brother 

Leonard right? (sorry if i misspell his name)
 Bro told me he is a guitarist and he plays for Bella Kuan :D

Great night woosh !

Beep beep ! Next up!
Class partaaaay !
I organized a steamboat party in my house and i invited my classmate to join me weee
Ya, just classmates sorry if those not-my-classmate saw this and  if you are going to say boh jio, i would say, its class partaaayyyyyyyy ! Hahaha, ya i do still felt excited of it till now, although its over.
More photos on facebook =)



my drunkard ling ling ~

Around 30 of them not including came okay! Successful event *wink*

Phiew ! Finally finish all my recent activities and .... first post is over!