Tuesday 23 April 2013

The precious holiday !

Last week was my exploration week, of course enjoy gaogao la ! Hmmm.... But still got quite a lot of assignments :/ Neverminnndddd it was still an enjoyable week. Let the pictures do the talking kay !

heheheh, saw the "bulu-bulu" sizzling chocolate lava cake? yumz x1000 ok

Better view of the dessert ! :D Hyper recommended, 9/10 graded hahahaha

Partner of the day !
Okay i gained weight, like.. a lot. Diet plan on ! (there is always tmr :P)

That's all for nao ! Assignment taim T^T

Saturday 6 April 2013

Once in a while.

*clear throat*
I don't really know what am I going to blog about today. Just I know i seriously damn long didn't update my blog, so yeah here am I. The previous update was before my class start. Hmm.. so I guess I will just talk a lil bit about my college life. Okay its not really counted as a life. LOL sounds scary huh.

I actually tried so hard to search interesting pictures in my iphone, note, camera and computer everythingggggggg, but i just couldn't get anything else except from my selcaSSSS with my classmate. I seriously need to make my life more happening.. at least not like now okay. 
Friends always ask me to send them my timetable so that they can date me when I'm free. I tell you, dont bother to ask me to do it. My timetable is so effing simple. 

8 a.m. - 9.30 p.m.
 Sunday off, Saturday half day, Weekday all overtime.

Ok, sound a lil bit too bad too frustrated or whatsoever. But its true okay. If there's anyone who are considering enter Esmod you really have to prepare yourself. I guarantee within 3 weeks you sure will tear out, or feel like tearing out sooooo much but you just couldn't then what you can do is just run around the gallery and shout like nobody business. "which means you cried because of your assignments before ?!?!??!"
Yea sort of, a lil tear drop, cause I was just trying to sew the fucking 15x20cm muslin for the damn whole day. wtf right I know, fyi what I meant by the whole day is really one whole day but only excluded my 4 hours sleeping time.  4 hours is my average sleeping time for now.  


you eventually will get numb. Very soon about all the assignments. Not to say not stressful anymore. Just, the same thing happens everyday and you just so tired to gaf everyday. 
Surprisingly me this kind of 3 mins heat people can survive without saying or think about giving up. It's somehow amazing lolololol.
Oh ya, I realize time really flies. I feel there's only 3 days in a week. And I really hope there's 100 hours in a day.

Tadaaaaaaah this is my gf, lol jk. Okay i work with this thing almost everyday
p/s: I dont consider myself as studying, I consider myself as working.

aaaand then ! We really have to selca everyday at least once I dont understand why. And non of us feel strange of it, and in my department, any camera does the same effect as the magnet. Trust me.
oh yea from the picture they are my sweetie classmate. The adorable ones. There are one disgusting one I'm going to talk about it later okay.

Left: too kind man. or I consider as woman hahahahaha
Right: Second wife, or husband. She works both way, great isn't it hahahahaha. 

and i have to mention that this too kind man really love camera i don't und why. LOL

and we love short breaks, we actually bought the whole loaf of bread and a tin of tuna then the too kind man will prepare the sandwich for everyone. Okay not everyone la. And we will have it in the kids room. Cute leh hahahaha

Let's talk a lil bit about the disgusting fella i was saying just now. As in he really disgust me. I don't really mind if he will read this. I just want to share it with allll ( i know there are just very few) of my readers hahaha.  Oh yea if come and ask me " Mei Ching are you talking about me ...? i mean your blog post ...?"
me: YES

Muahaha, now let's start.
I will call him as X.

Okay so that day my lecturer are talking to him and joking around saying he is very rich this and that. And fyi X thinks he is very rich like he earn his own money. I dont understand why. I don't say that you can't consider yourself as a rich ass, but i tot the real rich won't go promote around that you are rich right? :P
So, i not sure what my lecturer said and he said " give me money la you so rich" (in a joking way , damn obvious) THEN , that X actually opened his wallet and took out two RM50 and sort of "throw" not really throw la, you imagine like "nah !" in a very hiao way ( ok, i know i damn bad but he is super duper hyper girlish) I witness the whole process i was like wtf. So i voice up before my lecturer start to say something.
Because the X always say how his father bla bla bla, his father bla bla bla.
So at the moment he throw the money and I saw it I immediately "Wow, X. How your father actually educate you?" , "Did you earn the money?" "Where's your manner huh?" "Do you really think he (lecturer) wants your stingy rm100 huh ?" "I seriously don't understand what the ----- are you thinking about"
 To clarify, I dint scold him, I just tell in a way like talking to him. So he actually cannot react like fight back lah, if he did. He will be so dead.

In another way... I actually think is that is other person I wouldn't react like that. I guess I rally dislike X. LOL
And yea all of my classmates come and thank me afterwards cause all of them wanted to say it but just chose to be silent that time. 
Honestly, i do feel like fuck yeah so much win right after that. LOL WTH hahahahahahah
 Hmm, he actually goes around and ask if we like him or not. I'm waiting him to come and ask me. Please, come and ask me and i will freaking tell you the truth.

Before i go.

Full set from Aaron Yong okay hahahahaha.
The juun.j makes me feel like Michelin LOL

Hope I can blog again very soon. 
Ciaoz !